
of his solitary shell (8)

oh rayos... este dia fue perfecto... o casi, pero aun asi muy bueno... ya que me la pase todo el dia con ella, si, la del post anterior.
O sea, como lo explico... de veras siento que le gusto, o sea, me mira y sonrie y yo hago lo mismo como por inercia xD jaja... y siempre me busca, me agarra... rayos, muy bueno el dia... excepto por una prueba de ingles que me saque un 6.3 y yo queria un 7.0 ¬¬ pero bueno... no puedo ser tan exigente...
y eso, se me acabo el tiempo, y mejor dejare una cancion... "solitary shell" con el solo de guitarra final de "goodnight kiss", ambas pertenecientes a la gigantesca cancion "six degrees of inner turbulence" que dura 42 minutos!!!... este video es parte de su dvd "score" del 2006, para su informacion, jeje...
y eso, adios... y tambien dejare la letra, para aburrirlos aun mas xD...

He seemed no different from the rest
just a healthy normal boy
His mama always did her best
and he was daddy's pride and joy...
He learned to walk and talk on time
but never cared much to be held
and steadily he would decline
into his solitary shell...

As a boy he was considered somewhat odd
kept to himself most of the time
he would daydream in and out of his own world
but in every other way he was fine...

He's a monday morning lunatic
disturbed from time to time
lost within himself
in his solitary shell

A temporary catatonic
madman on occasion
when will he break out
of his solitary shell

He struggled to get through his day
he was helplessly behind
he poured himself onto the page
writing for hours at a time...

As a man he was a danger to himself
fearful and sad most of the time
he was drifting in and out of sanity
but in every other way he was fine

He's a monday morning lunatic
disturbed from time to time
lost within himself
in his solitary shell

A momentary maniac
with casual delusions
when will he be let out
of his solitary shell...
